Thursday, January 9, 2014


God created each and every one of us in His image! But by birth we are born into sin. The whole truth is we can never be perfect but because of Jesus we can become a little bit more like God each day and hopefully closer and more in love with Him! He taught us how to love people and even showed us bringing His son, Jesus, to earth! We can't love others perfectly though. By our sinful nature and just having different personalities we can not always please others or love people perfectly as Christ would. Gods love for us is so perfect we as humans can't even comprehend it and feel it all because we don't know love like this!! I am a quality time person. I love getting to see people and be with them and love them and talk to them! I just love doing all I can to love others by writing them notes, being with them, serving them any way possible, giving them presents, surprising them and most importantly talking to them about God!! I think it's huge just to show others that you care and love them as Christ would!! Loving other people gives me so much joy and just pure happiness and draws me to Christ!! There are days when it can feel exhausting and fruitless but it is so worth and sooooo good for our relationship with God! The universe does not revolve around us it is centered around God! We need to do everything we are capable of to center it around Him and serve Him!! God gave us the wonderful gift of others! Why would we do anything but love them? When we are just all loving in God it is so fun and awesome!! There is so much more power in being positive but also honest with our hearts than just keeping it in but also not being negative!! God is so good!! He can bless every single relationship we have so very much!! We also have so much power to act in our friendships to teach them about Christ and spread His awesome and true Word!!! God is amazing!!!!

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