Wednesday, March 19, 2014


There are so many surprises that come our way in this world and sometimes they can hurt and other times they are great! God is not surprised by anything, He knows each thing that will happen and when it will happen. One thing that we don't have to be surprised by is that God always every day of every minute loves us! He never fails. Anytime we call on His name and want to talk to Him, He will be ready. It is so encouraging that no matter how inconsistent others are, God is there and loves us deeply!! He can put joy in peace in your heart when all else fails! He will never let us down. He will give us anything we ask for according to His will. He doesn't keep joy from us! He has a master plan that is so perfect that we as humans can't make it better but only damage it and hinder His plans. We have to let God work and let Him surprise us:). God knows we like to have control but He wants us to trust Him and when we do He doesn't let us down. He is faithful. He always keeps His promises! God won't surprise you in a bad way but only in good ways! He is almighty! 

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