I found this last night and thought it was good but not always 100% necessary. And I don't mean that if it's a day you want to show more its fine I mean if you look respectable in it and won't be moving in ways to reveal yourself it's okay.
Just do the appropriate thing. It's obvious what is okay and what's not. I recently had an interesting conversation with a classmate because some other girl was practically wearing a strapless shirt that was very loose. I was like it makes me uncomfortable to wear shirts like that or reveal that much. And he was like oh I don't think it's that bad. He was like why do you care so much? And I said I don't think the whole world needs to see me like even if I bend over I usually cover my chest with my hand. He was very confused and said I've heard of people waiting till marriage but never like covering themselves up like that. He kind of made it seem like a stupid idea. I do not believe it is. I think it is a wonderful plan and vital! Dressing modestly doesn't mean adapt to what the world is today. It means adapt to how God created us to cover ourselves. Just as He created sex for marriage He also made our bodies for marriage. Dressing modestly isn't only important just for yourself but also for others!
Now I am going to talk about swimsuits. And this can be a sore subject and I don't have the right answer but I have my opinion. I personally think that the whole swimming thing is awkward and there is too many ifs ands and buts. But nevertheless it's still an important topic. I think it is so funny because girls can be so awkward about people walking in on them change when they are in their bras and underwear when the majority of the time their swimsuits cover less. Swimsuits keep becoming less and less. If you don't want other people to see you in your bra and underwear that probably means your swimsuit doesn't cut it. There are some one pieces and tankinis out there that I think are okay for people to wear though! I think this is a great website for swimsuits. http://www.reyswimwear.com/
There are even many moms out there who think they should show off their body and I don't understand why. Moms set an example for their daughters and for who their sons should marry. They are being watched more than they think. If a mom wears a bikini why would it stop their daughter from wearing one? They can say oh well I am married but exactly! You are married, your body is for your husband not the world. They have a husband nobody else needs to see them. All women are doing is tempting other men or possibly making others self conscious. It should be the normal to want to save yourself and not show yourself. We don't have to conform to the world. You can go swimming if you want and wear tshirts and shorts or a bikini. It's whatever God convicts you of and makes you feel right about. It's important to think of others also. Our bodies aren't meant for the whole world to see. I want people to feel strong about saving themselves and covering their bodies! It is it not had to cover yourself up! God desires it.
Another topic I don't think people realize is, is that it can be hard for women at pools too. There are new studies that show women are more attracted to mens chests than previously thought. In our society it has evoke the normal for men to not wear shirts and women can actually be very attracted to that! Now I know at pools there aren't as many choices for men, but men taking off their shirts and causing women to stumble is just as bad as women wearing low cut shirts. I think it is interesting that it has became the rule that women can't take their shirts off but men can. I think men should save themselves just as much as women. Just because they get hot doesn't mean they can take their shirts off. Women aren't aloud to take them off. It is so important for everyone to not only wait to have sex but also to have modesty! Modesty never stops. Modesty is not conforming to the worlds definition of fashion.
I enjoyed this article!
Another great website is purefreedom.org
I also want the women to dress modestly, with decency and propriety, adorning themselves, not with elaborate hairstyles or gold or pearls or expensive clothes, (1 Timothy 2:9 NIV).
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