I love how in Hebrews 11 it literally just goes through and says all these people that lived by faith? If this book was written now would God be proud to say we have lived and died great lives of faith?
The definition of faith is confidence in what we have believed in and hoped for and assurance about what we do not see. Do we 100% believe that God created this universe and us and knows every detail about our hearts and lives? That He created us to serve higher purposes than our own flesh and desires. Do we realize the pain that Jesus Christ our Lord suffered to die for us and give us forgiveness and to see greater things done in this world. God loves us more than we even know. He has a deep love a compassion for our hearts that will never change no matter what our sin is, He hates sin more than we know also. God would do anything to bless us and make our lives point to Him. He has a direction for our lives that we can't see but our faith helps us to trust God and surrender our desires.
And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him. (Hebrews 11:6 NIV). There are many who just want God to help them but only actually turn to Him in that time. They don't actually believe that God has given them everything and made them and can change their lives. I like that is says earnestly seek Him. It is not checklist thing or go to church once a week. It's with a strong passion and desire seek out God and find Him. Call upon His name and acknowledge His greatness. Surrender yourself to His cause. Learn Him, love Him, and trust Him!
I love how it describes all of these great people and the acts of faith they preformed. They didn't just decide oh I guess this would be okay or just go wherever the wind blows them. They said Yes You are God and You are telling me to go to a foreign land and give up all I know here. And although it's hard and scary I will do it because you made me and you know what You are doing. Abraham even though old follower God to scary places and trusted that God would make him father of all nations.
It is so important to see that they did not get the things promised to them while on this earth but they receives their reward in heaven with God. They just followed God and did as He said. They knew He knew what He was doing.
Instead, they were longing for a better country—a heavenly one. Therefore God is not ashamed to be called their God, for he has prepared a city for them. (Hebrews 11:16 NIV).
They weren't annoyed God made them leave their land. They just moved on into the future and kept going. They didn't turn back. They knew that even this new home wasn't their permanent one. Our permanent home is where we end up when we die. That is where true life takes place.
These were all commended for their faith, yet none of them received what had been promised, since God had planned something better for us so that only together with us would they be made perfect. (Hebrews 11:39, 40 NIV). Sticking to our faith is not in any way easy. Some people were persecuted and treated like criminals for following God. They knew that God was true though. They decided to put Him first and about any punishment here. They didn't let this world change their views. No matter how much the world attacks us, if we truly have faith than the can not change our lives and views. Other people can't choose where we end up. Our faith decides that. This chapter is really amazing and touched my heart in a special way to think about the ways people have lived by faith.
A great song I have been listening to lately is "Give me faith". I love the chorus. Give me faith to trust what You say. That You're good and Your love is great. I'm broken inside I give You my life. I LOVE this!! We have to ask God for more trust to believe in Him and understand His greatness. He has to give us this! And it goes back to being broken. To truly feel God we need to realize His superiorness and our weakness. The bridge is "I may be weak but your spirits strong in me. My flesh may fail but my God you never will! This is something that is so fun to worship to God. And just say it with a true passion and a loving and lasting heart to God! God you are my all and I need you to soften my heart and give it all to you! Just imagine Him holding your heart in His hands and being saddened by sin taking pieces from it. Sin takes pieces from your heart and makes it smaller and faith adds more to it and makes your faith stronger. All we are is because of Him. The good in us is all Him.
Our faith never will stop growing. There is always more to know about God that will make us fall more in love with Him. There is always more sin that we have to repent from and make us trust God more! Lastly faith doesn't change depending on what our mood is. It stays the same. Our faith is based on facts and reasons not how we feel at a moment or falling into a bad situation and suddenly not trusting Gods fullness. Faith has to be fed. Faith will keep growing.
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