Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Who are you in the church?

We started a really amazing series last week at Valley church that resonated with my heart a lot and I wanted to share! The series is called "All through Christ a life changing encounter" which is just so amazing and true! When we encounter Christ it will and does change our lives! 
He gave us a list of people who don't impact the church or change the church. Here it is! 
1. The counter fit-the person who isn't actually changed they are just faking it and going to church not actually letting God change them. 
2. The dried out sponge- they used to be useful but aren't anymore. They aren't passionately seeking God. They are exhausted and the christian life is not for them anymore. 
3. Garbage collector- I love this one. All they do is smell they pick up on the junk and the trash (the gossip and negativity). They collect it and thrive off of it. And when try get together with others they just become a garbage dump. 
4. Sherman tank- the increase tension and make people uncomfortable. A little scary sometimes even. 
5. The wet blanket- always tell you why it won't work and what's wrong with that idea. Nothing is ever good or done. 
6. Bureaucrat- always worried about the policies and getting everything orangized. Not letting the power of God do it. 
7. Thumb sucker- pouts and is moody. They are never happy or get their way. 
8. Chicken little- they are scared and the sky is falling. God doesn't overcome their fears. Never trying anything new. 
9. Invisible man- never goes to anything or is there and not actually there in heart. 

I think this is such an awesome list! You don't want to be these things but you also don't want to be too much of the opposite of them either. Be present in heart and spirit. Loving others. 

There is a really funny video if you go to YouTube and type in dog protecting bone from himself. He is literally attacking himself. We don't want to do that in the church! They are part of the body and we have to protect and love them! 

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