Sunday, September 7, 2014


Jesus was and is perfect to this day. He had no faults or sin. He was born of the perfect father. We are sinful people and will always will be. I have sinned, as much as you and I may try and act like the perfect christians sometimes we have sinned. Some sins are worse than others and we are more appalled at things like adultery and murder but why is there a level of sin? Lying is just as much of a sin as murder. It is all sin to God, so why in our culture have we made some sins acceptable and others punishable by death. Lying is punishable by death by going to hell just as much as murder is. Just like God just as easily forgives liars as He does cheaters. We are not better sinners than others we are all sinners. Gossip is sin. God hates sin. Therefore He hates gossip and He does not like people who gossip. Don't think that God has better things to worry about than your gossip because your gossip or lies may be just as bad sin as your world as murder. They may cause murder. 

In my life I am so sick of trying to be the perfect person that has it all together. This last weekend has been one of the saddest and most humbling of my life. I have felt alone, angry, happy, scared, stressed, abandoned, hurt, forgotten, loved all in one weekend. And honestly I just cried. I lost it. I cannot physically or mentally depend on myself. I am sick of being the person that always has her life together-perfect grades, trying to be involved in every activity at school and church and work, always having my nails painted and my legs shaved and having the best outfits. Never letting anything phase me or upset me. Putting the brave face on even when I am badly hurting or upset. Always trying to set the perfect example. No it's done. I am not perfect and won't ever be. I can't ever be that perfect person. By the grace of God I can be who He has me to be. Don't let that stress overtake you and lose the battle. You aren't in control of your life and if God isn't you still aren't, Satan is. Give God the control, pour your struggles on to Him. He can do it all and we can do it all through Him. Don't get to the point where you come to nothing because you are trying to do everything. Cry out to God today!! Ask and beg for love and forgiveness and I know I know He will put it in your heart and give you His heart. He is the Prince. 

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