Today on Pinterest I saw this beautiful picture. As I have expressed in my other blog I love fall. I love every single thing about it. When I go to work out at night and walk outside afterwards listening to awesome Jesus music and feel the beautiful weather I just want to drop to my knees and praise God. This weather just causes me to feel something amazing. I feel closer to God. I can sense Him in every single way and just sing out to Him! Believe that God is real and that He is powerful. He can do amazing things. That is why every day when I start to have anxiety about AP physics or college or homecoming or anything, I can sigh and just say God Almigjty you are in control!! He is there, I know it and I believe it every day. I want to live out that belief and tell others about the amazing news! I have nothing to be afraid of. Even if all my relationships aren't the exact way I desire them to be, God is sovereign and He is in control. I have no fears or worries because it is all part of His perfect plan! If He has for me to be or not be friends with someone that is up to Him and not me! I am thrilled for a free night tonight to get to relax and spend time in the Word doing my own bible study and digging deeper! My friends, He is there and He knows what He is doing! We shall not doubt! I love where God has me right now!!! It's soooo awesome! Praise you Lord!
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