Friday, July 18, 2014

How to love the unlovable

We all have those people that ugh just make us crazy! Or we want to love them and they don't want us to or act like they are to cool for us. It can be anything from someone who wronged us, is "cooler" than us, has something we want, dislikes you or just you don't get a good vibe from. No matter what though the only thing I believe you are aloud to have in your heart for that other person is love. That doesn't mean you have to have coffee with them every week or get them birthday gifts. Sometimes we can really convince yourself and believe the lies that they are evil or did wrong you and they might've wronged you. But every single one of us have wronged and sinned against God. We have all done horrible things to Him and still continue to do. We pray for things to fill the need that only He can fill, we try and fill our hearts with things other than Him. But again and again God loves us with a deeper love than anyone here on earth has for us. 

We can start by loving others just by telling others little things that mean a lot or texting it to them or writing to them. Saying I care about you, you are doing a great job, you are awesome, thanks for all you do, thanks for who you are. Then pray a prayer for them. Ask God to give you a love for them. Pray for them in Christ that they may have an abundance in Him! Write down your thoughts positive and negative and write why you have the positive ones and how you can change the negative ones. Just continue to make the choice in your heart to love them. 

I believe we are not aloud to have hate or dislike for anyone no matter how annoying or crazy or how rude they are. They are a child of God, God did make them in His image. They do in some way reflect Him. The challenge is to ask yourself is there anyone who you are not loving in your heart? It has to change or that bitterness will build up and deeply damage your relationship and love for God. If you can't love the imperfect people how do you expect God to love you? He still will but right do we have that He doesn't? None! He is the creater of the universe and us. I follow His ways! 

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