Saturday, July 5, 2014

How I work

God has created each of us very specially and I really like to know where I am at in life and where I am going and what I am doing. It gives me an uneasy feeling to not know my plans. I believe God created me to be organized to serve certain purposes in His plan. But my organization can be used against God too. If I become too worried about being organized and trying to have control and making my own plans than I am not leaving room for God. Now how God created me was to be organized and lead up ministry activities and organize events for Gods glory. I love how He created me BUT satan can use that against me and the people in my life. Satan can use our strengths and make them weaknesses. It's okay that I like to have every detail planned out but I can't hold everybody else to the exact same standards. I have to being willing to give others grace in areas where it's not their strength. If everybody else doesn't follow exactly what I want them to do in my mind I do not have the right to be upset with them! It's important to recognize our strengths and acknowledge that not everyone has those. I can hold myself to standards but like God being perfect (not that I am in any way perfect) that He gives grace to those who fall and sin. Allow others to make mistakes and grow and learn. Be their teacher and guide and don't call them out on being stupid. I have learned a lot from working with others this summer and with kids. They do they craziest and sometimes stupidest things that I don't understand in any way! But I have to encourage them and not let them feel bad. Because if I am rude to them or hurt them I am not being a good witness to Jesus. Jesus rebukes and teaches but He doesn't yell and hurt. We are always trying to be more like Him! 

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