Monday, February 24, 2014

Psalm 51

This is a pretty incredible psalm and really shows what our heart to God should be like. We need to acknowledge the true ugliness of our sin. God hates sin more than we can even imagine and He of course forgives us not so that we can keep sinning but so that we can point others to Him. 
I am now on the fourth message of Levi Lusko's series sorry not sorry. Last week was about Saul needing to apologize to David for continuing to hurt him and this week it was about David's sin. One of the things that I find so interesting about this sin is that if he had been doing what he was supposed to be doing he wouldn't even have been tempted to sin. David was supposed to be on the battlefield doing what God gave him to do. Instead he took a nap and then saw Bathsheba naked. Thus began his temptation. He figured out who the woman was and then still decided to seduce her. He got her pregnant and tried to hide it by pretending to be nice to Uriah and then eventually killed him. His motives got all mixed up and in the wrong. 
*After a big win you have to keep your shields up. You can't give up. Satan will attack you when you least expect it. 
It is saddening to think of what David went through and how badly it messed his heart up and turned him away from God. He had to build lie upon lie. His marriage was built on sin. His child was because of sin. His kingdom was therefore hurt by his sin as well. All he had worked for he broke and hurt it from the sin. 
A huge point he made was that you have to ask for forgiveness. I think it is a lot easier to say I am sorry and acknowledge my wrong than actually say "Will you forgive me?"  When you ask them this you acknowledge that you no longer have control and it's up to them. It's really hard because it's out of your control and up to them. You are giving them a choice and the ability to say yes or no. I think this is a very important step and not just to assume forgiveness or say I'm sorry and make them forgive you. God has to work in their heart to forgive you. 
Because David was passionate and that helped him love and serve God and fight for his kingdom satan used it against him. Your best quality can quickly become your worst quality and what causes you to sin. Success can very easily destroy people. The story of David sinning is told in 2 Samuel 11. Sinning just makes you do more and more stupid things. He didn't come clean with God but instead kept sinning. 
1. Apologizing can be costly but it is even more expensive not to. 
There is embarrassment and consequences to coming clean and telling the truth but the longer you hide it the more sinful you come and the more separated from God you become. It will cost you something to do the right thing. Somebody might think really highly of you until they find out who you really are. You lose face with people. It can be really hard and scary to tell the truth but the more you hide it the more it builds up and the more you will lose. In psalm 51 David expresses that it physically hurt him to hold this secret in and was aging him. This sin and secret was tearing him apart. 
2. To see things clearly try your sorry on someone else. 
As humans we can be very self deceptive. We can convince ourselves that when we sin it's not the worst things or isn't really that bad. But then when we look at others if they are doing the same thing it looks so ugly and horrible. We think how could they do that? That is so disgusting and bad. So because we do NEED to apologize we need to think if someone else was apologizing after doing this would you accept this apology? Would it be good enough and from the heart? Would we be satisfied with receiving that apology? If there answer is no or there is a "but" in there you probably need to change it!
3. Your past will haunt you until you let Jesus put it behind you. 
David continued to try to outrun the sin and just hide from it and make sure no one knew. He constantly had to make sure his past didn't catch up to him. This is absolutely no way to live. 
Psalm 32. 
4. God wants to turn your sin into a song. 
From the moment David sinned to when he came clean he did not write another song. He wanted his joy back that he previously had. 

Psalm 51 is really extraordinary and powerful. The way he asks for forgiveness is do amazing! He acknowledges his sin and doesn't just say well you always forgive so here it is. No he cries out to God! He knows he needs his power and it comes through. I really love this chapter and am hoping to dwell in it some more! 
Fresh life church-Levi Lusko sorry not sorry. 

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