Monday, June 23, 2014

Planting seeds

So often as christians we can get caught up in the thought that we have to be saving people. When that is literally impossible. I watched a weird movie recently where it was just all about the ministry and the pastor wanting to get on TV and he ends up killing his wife. This isn't a true story but still people can get so caught up in what others think they are doing. We can not in our own power save people. We can be a witness to others but the only reason we can even do that is because Gods spirit dwells in us. He lets His light shine through us. 
As we are all called to ministry I think it is important to remember that it is not about how many people are saved on a specific day but how many people we are loving and letting them hear about Gods love! God may not be calling us to be that specific person that will be along the path with somebody as they are being saved we may have just planted the seed 20 years before at church camp by loving them and speaking to them about Jesus. It doesn't have to be an automatic transformation but it does involve us still loving them completely and in Christ and NOT giving up on them! It's so important to remember that God will do all the work. All we have to do is be ready to be used by Him! He will give us the words to say and the love to give. If we go to others trying to throw Jesus in their face and act like we have all this knowledge and are great christians it will turn them off. They don't want to be bombarded they want and need to see the love of God. We have to meet them in their need not in their wants. It's like with kids, they may want us to be their best friends and let them do whatever they want but they need us to discipline them and raise them up in The Lord. Let God do the work and just ask Him to use you in any way!!!

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