Wednesday, October 15, 2014

New term!

Today marks the start of a new term at Waukee high school. Everyday I just can't believe how fast high school is going. Before I know it, it will be Christmas and then I will only have 3 more semesters. The school calendar recently came out for next year and usually I am just like okay when do we get out, but then I realized...this is my last ever school calendar, this is the school calendar for my senior year. Life moves fast. Sometimes we never stop moving, an object in motion wants to stay in motion. We have to take a moment and just relax and breathe. To say a prayer to God and just not forget why we are here! There is so much more to do for God, not for ourselves. God put us here, we didn't create ourselves. So we do not follow our hearts way but Gods hearts way. 
Don't get so caught up in the world and being busy, to worship the Lord, who is ultimately why we are here!

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