Saturday, March 21, 2015

My date with Jaeley!

I just wanted to share my Instagram post from Jaeley and mines date! It was such a fun night and a huge blessing to me! Crazy how much a 7 year old girl can bless my heart!!

Let's start spring great!

Last weekend I had spring break, just a break from school, work, and everyday stresses. I had a lot of relaxing time and time to think. Although there were some hard things I had to work through with God, He proved ever faithful. 

I had been thinking a lot about how my old sins just aren't sins for me anymore. I used to struggle with lying A LOT. Now I feel sick when I lie and it just stresses me out too much. Some of my other previous sins-jealousy and issues with other people, just aren't present for me today. I have felt so free from those sins and I was praising God for that!! It just brings me so much joy from where I was before and where God has taken me to now. I have found a church I love, and people that love me and truly care about me. 
But on the other hand, those sins aren't gone from my life. When you make the choice to sin, God wipes that free from you and forgives you, but there are still everyday consequences from that. And I think a lot of people don't want God to save them from their sin and evil but from the punishment of their sins. That is how we learn. Although it is painful every single day and I can't believe the people I have hurt, I have grown and matured.  God has worked in me and strengthened my faith, but everyday when I am tempted to sin I have to think of people that have been hurt by my sin and how hard it was to watch them suffer. It makes my stomach sick to think of, but it truly does save me from sinning more. 

When I pray I know that God has forgiven me from my sins and I pray that He is setting aside a place in heaven for me. I also pray that He would save me from future sins and hurting other people. Something God has used in me is to think of how the sins I have committed I will have to tell my future husband. The pain it will cause him, and that makes me incredibly sad. But more than that if I care about a future husband that much, Jesus Christ is my husband and I am His bride. Think about the pain a spouse would feel times 10! I don't want to hurt people with my sin but sin causes hurt. I need to walk with God apart from sin!